# humanstxt.org/ # The humans responsible & technology colophon # TECHNOLOGY COLOPHON HTML5, CSS3 jQuery, Modernizr # humanstxt.org/ /* TEAM */ Your title: Werbegrafik Gerst Site: http://www.werbegrafik-gerst.de. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Werbegrafik.Gerst Google+: https://plus.google.com/+WerbegrafikGerstHerzogenaurach/posts Location: Herzogenaurach, Germany. Client: HB Kart Racing Location: Aub - Germany Site: http://www.hb-kart-racing.de /* THANKS */ Name: to all programmer of the used plugins!!! [...] /* SITE */ Language: German Last update: 2015/06/10 Standards: HTML5, CSS3, responsive webdesign. Components: CSS3, HTML5 Apache Server Configs, Modernizr.js, jQuery.js, superfish.css, lessgrid.css, cubeportfolio.js, scrollto.js, form-validation.js, icomoon, stellar.js, isotope.js, sticky.js, waypoints.js, animate.js, hyphenator.js, fittext.js., picturefill.js, classie,js Software: Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Cinema 4D Copyright: 2015 by Werbegrafik Gerst